National Treasure 2: book of secrets is more of the same (i.e. Pirates Of The Carribean franchise). For example, remember how the first film was very fast paced left open alot of questions only to be answered by the end of the film? Book of secrets does just that with the sequel formula. The only thing new to this film, besides the non-stop quirky jokes from Riley Poole, is the new additionto the cast. which includes Ed Harris, Helen Mirren, and Bruce Greenwood. National Treasure 2: Book Of Sectets is for die hard fans of the first film thats assuming you don't catch on to the very obvious re-writes throughout the film.

a tarrantino delight

Quent Tarrantino's Jackie Brown which is based on the Elmore Leonard's novel "Rum Punch" follows the book to a tee. with an A-list cast which includes Pam Grier, Samule L. Jackson, Robert De Niro,Robert Forster,Chris tucker,Sid Haig, Bridget Fonda, and michael Keaton.the film starts off with Jackie Brown(Pam Grier) getting off the plane which she happens to be a stewardess on. only to be stopped by an ATF agent who is played by michael Keaton. the movie itself is nearly 3 hours and is very much worth the watch considering that this is the film tarrantino did after his breathrough classic pulp fiction. but with an A-list cast and terrific acting on all the actors and actresses you can't help but love the movie

oscar worthy

Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe star in "American Gangster" the the movie about the rise and fall of Frank Lucas a herion dealer who buys right from the source. Russell Crowe plays Ritchie Roberts the cop that brought down Frank Lucas. "American Gangster" follows in the tradition of Martin Scorsese's earlier work in "GoodFellas","The Departed",and "casino". "American Gangster" opens with Frank brutally killing someone dousing them in gasoline ,setting the person on fire, and then unloading 9 bullets on the person finally killing him. Followed shortley by the opening title. "American Gangster" is a gritty ,yet powerfully dramatic and dark crime thriller to please everyone who is a fan of the crime/drama genre.Rusell Crowe and Denzel Washington provide Steller performances. Followed by a great ensemble cast.

not bad, still worth watching

Evan Almighty stars Steve Carell as evan baxter. your every day funny man elected to congress.who happens to be a former newsman in Buffalo anlongside Bruce Jim carrey's charcter in the first film. Evan Almighty isn't as funny as Bruce Almighty but, still shows us a good lesson about life. The suppporting cast really holds the movie together with wanda sykes and Jonah Hill as Evan's researcher and secretary you can't help but laugh. For a sequel to a comedy this worth the watch.

same story different city

John carptenter's Escape from L.A. has a parallel story to that of his earlier film "Escape from new york". Kurt Russell is back as the Badass he was in New york just this time theres new co-stars and a diferent city. This time steve Buscemi is Ernest Borgnine's shoes this time around instead of being the cab driver he's Hollywood ED the guy who knows the street. The same could be said about Peter Fonda's character who is the surfer dude who wants to catch the big wave. Stacey Keach is the guy who tells Plissken whats up and what he has to do. Michelle Forbes is basically just a supporting actress getting a paycheck. Pam Gier and and A.j Langer make up for the female lead because there really is no female lead act. when langer dies off Grier is there to cover. The story is so similar that even Carpenter's cool and fun score in the begining of the film is the same as the opening in New york. Not to mention the same female voice over is almost the same. But, no matter how the story is told it's till a classic movie.

"the names Snake"

"the names Snake" thats the line that made Kurt Russell famous (in my opinon) but, also inspired the role for which Kurt Russell played in Quentin Tarrantino's "Death Proof".The movie stars Kurt Russell as a Hero of of war who lost in an eye in battle. But, is later brought in for committing a crime or two. But, when air force one goes down in New york City. which is now a prison for "crazies' and those who have committed major crimes. it's up to snake Plissken to save the day.
the movie co-stars Isaac Hayes, Donald Pleasence, Harry Dean Stanton, Adriene Barbeau, and Lee Van Cleef
the movie co-stars Isaac Hayes, Donald Pleasence, Harry Dean Stanton, Adriene Barbeau, and Lee Van Cleef

a modern classic

Remeber the 1989 thriller with Tom Hanks "the burbs" Disturbia follows the same line of brillant story telling. with a great supporting cast. After being put under house arrest for 3 months it seemed as though things couldn't get any worse for Kale Brecht (Shia LaBoeuf,"Transformers", "Even Stevgens") until he gets bored with no tv to watch and no xbox 360 kale starts watching the nieghbors and their daily routines. when a call girl is heard screaming running out of his nieghbor's house (daivd morse) does kale start to get obsessed. Disturbia is a character-driven thrill fest. As Qouted by Richard Roeper (Ebert &Ropeper) "Welcome to Disturbia"

another quentin classic

Death Proof is the second half of Grindhouse the 2 movie feature that bombed (surprisingly ) in theaters. Death Proof stars Kurt Russell in his most badass role since John Carpenter's "Escape From New Tork".Russell plays stuntman mike a no nonsense no bullshit pychopath who kills people with his "Death Proof" car. the one thing that the this movie lacks is the story line. But, the suspense is very much there. with Zoe Bell hanging on top of the hood of a car in an 18 minute car chase.And the enoyable dialogue which is allways hullarious. kurt Russell's very good acting (in this movie) and plenty of good cameos "Death Proof" is sure to please all Tarrantino fans. co-stars Vannessa Ferlito,mary Elizabeth Winstead,Rose Mc Gowan, and Rosario Dawson.

your typical zombie film

considering the fact that 'Halloween" is Rob Zombies("House of 1,000 Corpses and "The Devil's Rejects") 3rd feature film its as awesome as ever. However we do see michael myers face and learn how bad his child life was.(not seen in John carpenter's "Halloween") "Halloween" seems like a sequel to one of the "pirates of the carribean " films loaded with tons of nudity,gore,violent killings,and ireverent humor. this could be considered a "sequel" to Zombie's earlier work.

pretty well done

Considering the fact that this movie was a production nightmare and had to be re-shot for 3.5 weeks(were not talking half the movie either) and that the star (Nicole Kidman)was injured. the invasion is an intense fast paced thrill ride. Kidman's performance is nothing short of Nicole Kidman being Nicole Kidman with the fact that she doesn't notice that the people around her are starting to act different(robots to be exact)around her. Daniel Craig is as always excellent. the movie keeps you guessing but not for long I predicted the end 30 minutes through the feature (which is only 90 minutes) but still found that it was worth the money by the end of the movie. The Invasion co-stars Jeffrey Wright who also played Felix Lieter in the recent bond flick Casino Royale